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In order to carry out its mandate, the Edmonton Police Commission has four standing committees.

The Commission may also form ad hoc committees, as required. Below are the four committees:

Note: EPC Chair is ex-officio member on all Committees. Councillors are ex-officio members on the Committees they sit on.

  • Governance Committee

    Members of the Governance Committee (2023)

    Commissioner Shazia Amiri
    Commissioner John McDougall
    Commissioner Walter Sinclair
    Commissioner David Sowemimo
    EPC Vice-Chair Aneela Hussainaly
    EPC Chair Erick Ambtman (Ex-Officio)

    Mandate of the Governance Committee

    1. The purpose of the Edmonton Police Commission (the “Commission”) Governance Committee is to provide a focus on governance that will enhance performance for both the Commission and the Edmonton Police Service (the “Service”).
    2. The primary purpose of the Governance Committee is to consider and recommend actions and propose policies that are in alignment with the Commission’s and Service’s strategic plans, priority areas and strategic goals.
    3. The Governance Committee is also responsible for the ongoing review of current Commission governance policies and recommends any necessary changes.
    4. The Governance Committee is responsible for strategic plan development and review, annual evaluation of the Commission, setting the Commission’s operational plan and deals with all other matters referred to it by the Commission.


    Composition and Operations:

    1. The Governance Committee shall have a minimum of three members appointed by the Commission, with one member designated as Chair.
    2. The Governance Committee shall meet on a monthly basis unless there is agreement by the committee members that a meeting is not required.
    3. The Governance Committee can consider scheduling additional meetings in order to fulfill their mandate and to be able to make recommendations to the Commission in a timely manner.
    4. The Executive Director shall attend meetings as required to act as administrative support to the committee and is not a voting member.


    Duties and Responsibilities:

    1. Review all Commission policies according to guidelines in policy 1.1.7 Policy Development.
    2. Review all changes to Edmonton Police Service policies that align with Commission policies and/or their governance and oversight role according to guidelines in policy 2.3.2 Edmonton Police Service Policies.
    3. Conduct an annual evaluation of the Commission’s effectiveness and perform a comprehensive governance review of the Commission as a whole at a minimum once every four years according to guidelines in policy 4.3.1 Evaluation of Commission.
    4. Facilitate strategic planning sessions and operational planning sessions for the Commission according to guidelines in policy 1.1.4 Police Commission and Police Service Planning.
    5. Review and monitor the Annual Policing Plan to ensure the levels of service and program performance targets are being met.
    6. Review and monitor strategic key performance indicators and measures to ensure goals and objectives are being met.
    7. Assist with new Commission member orientation and ongoing professional development for the Commission.



    1. The Governance Committee shall review the terms of reference for this committee at a minimum once every three years and make recommendations for changes to the Commission if required.
    2. The Governance Committee shall keep records of its meetings and the Chair of the committee shall provide reports to the Commission on the matters discussed and any recommendations for decision.



    1. 1.1.4 Police Commission and Police Service Planning
    2. 1.1.7 Policy Development
    3. 2.3.2 Edmonton Police Service Policies
    4. 4.3.1 Evaluation of Commission
    5. 5.2.1 Committees of the Commission
  • Finance and Audit Committee

    Members of the Finance & Audit Committee (2023)

    Commissioner Kemi Kufuor-Boakye
    Commissioner John McDougall
    EPC Vice-Chair Aneela Hussainaly
    EPC Chair Erick Ambtman (Ex-Officio)

    Mandate of the Finance & Audit Committee

    1. The Finance & Audit Committee (the “committee”) is responsible to assist the Edmonton Police Commission (the “Commission”) in fulfilling its obligations and oversight responsibilities related to – Financial Planning and Reporting; the Audit Process; Internal Controls; and Risk Management. The Committee makes recommendations to the Commission for approval when required.
    2. The Committee provides assistance to the Commission, pursuant to the Police Act and City of Edmonton Bylaw 14040, to determine estimates of funds required for policing and allocating funds that are provided to the to the Commission for the Edmonton Police Service (the “Service”) by Edmonton City Council.
    3. The Committee assists the Commission in its oversight responsibilities relating to the integrity of the Commission’s and Service’s financial information, the financial reporting process, and the systems of the internal controls.
    4. The Committee also provides oversight over the Audit Function and the overall risk environment for the Commission and the Service to ensure that the Commission and Service’s assets are protected and safeguarded.


    Duties and Responsibilities of the Finance & Audit Committee:
    Financial Matters:

    1. Consult with the Chief of Police on the development of an annual financial plan for the Service that specifies the level of police service and programs to be provided in the City of Edmonton.
    2. Consult with the Commission’s Executive Director on the development of an annual financial plan for the Commission that will support its joint roles of governance and oversight;
    3. Oversee and guide the preparation of long range financial plans for the Service and the Commission for recommendation to the Commission;
    4. Review and recommend operating and capital budget information provided by the Service to the Commission.
    5. Review and recommend to the Commission the guiding principles for changes to approved budgets.
    6. Review and recommend financial policies to the Commission;
    7. Review and recommend signing authorities for expense approvals to the Commission;
    8. Review strategic key performance indicators as they relate to financial performance;
    9. Review and make recommendations with respect to relevant legislative changes affecting financial resources and significant issues as they relate to the Commission and the Service; and,
    10. Participate, with the Service’s Senior Management, on formal presentations to the City of Edmonton regarding operating or capital budget requirements for the service.


    Internal Controls:

    1. Reviews for assurance that the Service and Commission, as appropriate, have implemented appropriate systems of internal controls for

    a.Financial reporting;
    b.Compliance with Commission, Service and City Policies, Procedures (as applicable), Provincial Policing Standards and relevant laws and regulations;
    c.Financial, operational, or corporate risk exposure.


    Audit Matters:

    1. Engage and serve as the primary contract and report on reviews of all audit engagements.
    2. Review and recommend to the Commission the EPC Audit Function’s audit charter, annual audit plans, strategic plan, and audit resourcing.
    3. Review findings of audit and/or compliance reports, assess recommendations/management’s responses, and monitor management’s actions to address audit recommendations.
    4. Review the Audit Function’s conformance with The Institute of Internal Auditor’s International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.
    5. Meet “in camera” at least quarterly with the Audit Function to discuss audit out comes and initiatives, emerging issues, and ensure that the Audit Function has appropriate resources and supports to fulfill its responsibilities outlined within the audit charter and the scope of the audit work. Review any difficulties encountered in the course of the audit functions work such as impairments to independence, restrictions to people,data, and/or information.


    Risk Management:

    1. Ensure that the Service has established an enterprise risk management process in which risk identification, risk awareness, risk tolerance and risk mitigation is determined, monitored and reported.
    2. Review and assess the effectiveness of the Service’s Integrated Risk Management processes and framework.
    3. Review and recommend to the Commission, the Service’s Corporate Risk Profile and subsequent risk mitigation plans.
    4. Ensure the Service provides risks identified within the Service’s corporate risk profile and other risk assessments and ensure that the audit plan considers those risks within the annual audit plan
    5. Review significant risks affecting the Service’s ability to fulfill its mandate and ensure that appropriate risk mitigation plans have been implemented.
  • Professional Standards Committee

    Members of the Professional Standards Committee (2023)

    Commissioner Irfan Chaudhry
    Commissioner Anne-Marie Lambert
    Commissioner John McDougall
    Commissioner Walter Sinclair
    Commissioner David Sowemimo
    EPC Chair Erick Ambtman (Ex-Officio)

    Mandate of the Professional Standards Committee

    The purpose of the Edmonton Police Commission (“Commission”) Professional Standards Committee (“Committee”) is to monitor and oversee the public complaint process. While the Edmonton Police Service (“Service”) is responsible for investigating complaints, the Committee and the Public Complaint Director (“PCD”) ensure investigations are thorough, fair to all parties, and are conducted in accordance with laws and policies.


    Composition and Operations:

    1. The Committee shall have a minimum of three members appointed by the Commission, with one member designated as Chair.
    2. The Committee shall meet every second month unless there is agreement by the Committee members that a meeting is not required.
    3. The Committee can consider scheduling additional meetings in order to fulfill their mandate and to be able to make recommendations to the Commission in a timely manner.
    4. The Executive Director and PCD shall attend meetings as required to act as administrative support to the Committee and are not voting members.


    Duties and Responsibilities:

    1. Review all Service policies, procedures, and processes regarding the public complaint process to ensure that all complaints or expressions of concern made against the Service or its members are dealt with in a fair, equitable and timely manner.
    2. Ensure that the complaint processes implemented by the Service are transparent for all parties involved and are compliant with the Police Act and Police Service Regulation.
    3. Ensure that the investigative and disciplinary processes put in place by the Service are fully and properly implemented by the Professional Standards Branch (“PSB”) or any other branches or areas within the Service that may be charged with the responsibility of dealing with complaints.
    4. Monitor the complaint process and conduct regular audits of complaint files as necessary or deemed appropriate.
    5. Recommend or report on audit outcomes and its review of the complaint investigation, informal resolution, and disciplinary processes and make recommendations to the Commission as it deems necessary or advisable.
    6. Monitor the progress of any investigation or informal resolution process initiated or implemented by or on behalf of the PSB and identify opportunities to improve how complaints are handled by or on behalf of the PSB including, but not limited to, identifying potential alternative dispute resolution processes and their possible uses.
    7. Review the reasons for any delays in the investigative process and the manner in which complaints are resolved.
    8. Review and make recommendations to the Commission with respect to requests by the Chief of Police to extend the time limits as set out in the Police Service Regulation.
    9. Monitor public perceptions as they relate to the complaint investigation and disciplinary processes and identify measures which may help to enhance public knowledge and understanding of these processes.



    1. The Committee shall review the terms of reference for this committee at a minimum once every three years and make recommendations for changes to the Commission if required.
    2. The Chair of the Committee and/or designate shall attend, at a minimum, four Professional Standards Branch hearings and shall report back to the committee.
    3. The Committee shall keep records of its meetings and the Chair of the Committee shall provide reports to the Commission on the matters discussed and any recommendations for decision.



  • Human Resources Committee

    Members of the Human Resources Committee (2023)

    Commissioner Shazia Amiri
    Commissioner Kemi Kufuor-Boakye
    Commissioner Anne-Marie Lambert
    EPC Chair Erick Ambtman (Ex-Officio)

    Mandate of the Human Resources Committee:

    The purpose of the Edmonton Police Commission’s (“Commission”) Human Resources Committee is to provide a focus on areas of human resources that will enhance performance for both the Commission and Edmonton Police Service (“Service”).

    The primary purpose of the Human Resources Committee (“Committee”) is to consider and recommend actions and propose policies that are in alignment with recruitment and retention, succession planning, performance planning, and review.

    The Human Resources Committee is also responsible for the ongoing review of current human resources policies and recommends any necessary changes and amendments.

    The Committee will recommend contracts of employment for the position of Executive Director to the Commission and Chief of Police for the Service, including compensation and benefits.


    Composition and Operations:

    1. The Human Resources Committee shall have a minimum of three members appointed by the Commission, with one member designated as Chair.
    2. The Human Resources Committee shall meet on a monthly basis unless there is agreement by the committee members that a meeting is not required.
    3. The Human Resources Committee can consider scheduling additional meetings to fulfill their mandate and to be able to make recommendations to the Commission in a timely manner.
    4. The Executive Director shall attend meetings as required to act as administrative support to the committee and is not a voting member.


    Duties and Responsibilities:

    1. The Committee will review and recommend to the Commission for approval, contracts
      with respect to the employment of the Executive Director of the Commission and the
      Chief of Police for the Service.
    2. The Committee will review and determine on a yearly basis the compensation and
      benefits provided to both the Executive Director and Chief of Police following an
      appropriate performance evaluation process.
    3. The Committee will make recommendations to the Commission and ensure that
      performance and training plans are in place for both the Executive Director and Chief of
      Police on an annual basis.
    4. The Human Resources Committee will participate with the Executive Director in the hiring
      process of both the Public Complaint Director and legal counsel and make
      recommendations to the Commission for approval and appointment. The reporting
      structure for the Public Complaint Director and legal counsel is described in EPC Policy
      3.1.1 – Commission Staff.
    5. Review all Commission policies related to Human Resources according to guidelines in
      policy 1.1.7 Policy Development.



    1. The Human Resources Committee shall review the terms of reference for this committee at
      a minimum once every three years and make recommendations for changes to the
      Commission if required.
    2. The Governance Committee shall keep records of its meetings and the Chair of the
      committee shall provide reports to the Commission on the matters discussed and any
      recommendations for decision.


  • Technology Committee

    Members of the Technology Committee (2023)

    Commissioner Shazia Amiri
    Commissioner Irfan Chaudhry
    Commissioner Anne-Marie Lambert
    Vice-Chair Aneela Hussainaly
    EPC Chair Erick Ambtman (Ex-Officio)