The Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) is committed to attracting a diverse and talented workforce to meet the business requirements of the organization by employing a recruitment process that is inclusive and reflects equal opportunity in accordance with appropriate laws and collective agreements.

The Commission will meet its goal of acknowledging the diversity within the community by leveraging the unique talents and backgrounds of its staff.


Diversity – The range of human difference, experiences, and perspectives. Diversity includes the protected grounds listed in the Alberta Human Rights Act and includes, but is not limited to, differences in personality, thoughts, life experiences, learning styles, working styles, and viewpoints.

Inclusion – Valuing and embracing diversity to ensure the active participation and contribution of all individuals and groups. Inclusive environments welcome and embrace differences while viewing them as strengths in creating an innovative and forward-thinking organization and community.


  1. The Commission will incorporate deliberate strategies of inclusion when developing policies and procedures for the organization.
  2. The Commission is committed to the principle that all members, including staff, have a right to work in an environment without discrimination and harassment.
  3. All Commissioners and staff have a role in preventing, recognizing, acknowledging, and addressing potential biased practices within the organization. Complaints of individual or systemic discrimination will be addressed in accordance with EPC Policy 3.1.6 – Respectful Workplace.
  4. The Commission will engage in staff recruitment programs that encourage all members of society to access Commission employment opportunities and will ensure that the selection process is inclusive.
  5. The Commission supports professional development and training opportunities that address issues of diversity and cultural competencies and encourage all Commissioners and staff access these resources.


  1. Alberta Human Rights Act
  2. City of Edmonton Policy C538 – Diversity and Inclusion
  3. City of Edmonton Policy Administrative Directive A1104A – Hiring
  4. EPC Policy 3.1.6 – Respectful Workplace