The Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) promotes public confidence through its governance and oversight role, and by being accountable and responsive to concerns raised or otherwise identified about the conduct of police officers or the Edmonton Police Service (Service).

The Commission sets high expectations for the Service with regards to the conduct of all members and employees in the discharge of their duties. Accordingly, and pursuant to the Police Act, the Commission may conduct formal inquiries into any matter respecting the Service to provide an additional layer of accountability and transparency into matters of public interest.


  1. The Police Act provides that the Commission may conduct an inquiry into any matter respecting the Service or the actions of any Service member or other person employed for the Service.


  1. Upon receipt of a request for inquiry, the Executive Director shall notify the Commission Chair and bring the request forward to the Commission as a whole.
  2. The Commission will designate one or more commissioners to serve on a committee that will conduct the inquiry. If the committee conducting the inquiry consists of more than one person, the Commission shall designate one of the committee members to act as the chair of the inquiry.
  3. Alternately, the Commission, at its discretion, may ask the Minister responsible for the Police Act (Minister) to appoint a person or persons to conduct the inquiry on behalf of the Commission.
  4. The Commission will advise the Minister, prior to commencement of an inquiry, that it intends to conduct an inquiry under Section 32 of the Police Act.
  5. If required and as determined, the Commission will direct the Executive Director to retain external resources in the form of legal counsel, investigators, or other support staff for the purposes of conducting the inquiry.
  6. Once the inquiry is completed, the chair of the inquiry committee will provide a written report of the findings, and any recommendations, to the Commission as a whole and the Minister.
  7. Where the Law Enforcement Review Board (Board) is conducting an inquiry under Section 17(1)(a) of the Police Act, the Commission shall not commence an inquiry with respect to a matter that is the subject of the Board’s inquiry until the Board’s inquiry is completed.


  1. Police Act, RSA 2000, c P-17