Guidelines for Public Speakers
Members of the public may make a presentation to the Commission during the Public Input Item of the Commission Meeting agenda. Topics are limited to items listed on the current or most recent public meeting agenda.
Speakers must acknowledge their acceptance of the Commission’s meeting procedures, which can be found here.
Speakers must register in advance by filling out the “Request to Speak” form below no later than noon on the business day before the next Commission meeting. Please include the phonetic spelling of your name in the Subject field below (e.g., Phonetic spelling of Matthew Barker: math-YOU bar-KER).
Public presentations must be relevant to matters within the Commission’s mandate, however, complaints about officer conduct or any ongoing investigations are not topics for this forum. Presentations may be verbal and may include hardcopy materials which may be submitted to the Executive Director of the Commission for inclusion in the public record. Information presented will relate only to the subject matter specified in the written request to speak.
The maximum time allowed for any one presenter or group of presenters is five minutes unless there is consent by the Commission by motion to extend the allotted time.
The Commission will not enter into debate on matters raised during the public input session; however, Commissioners may ask questions of clarification from the presenter. The Chair of the Commission may further ask the administration of the Commission or Service if they wish to respond to any of the information that was presented.
NOTE: For agenda and time management considerations, the Commission may decide to limit the number of speakers and/or allot the maximum amount of time the Commission will hear from presenters at a particular public meeting.
This personal information is being collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used in scheduling you as a speaker before the Edmonton Police Commission. Public meetings of the Edmonton Police Commission, including presentations made by speakers, are live streamed to the general public and recorded. Recordings of meetings are retained for two years.