The Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) supports the use of social media to further the strategic direction and goals of the organization. Social media provides additional tools and channels that can complement traditional communications and marketing methods and mediums.

The Commission will build its presence on social media sites and use social media tools with consideration given to:

  • ensuring efforts align with the Commission’s Strategic Plan, values, and policies;
  • identifying the fit with communication plans and strategies;
  • understanding the benefits, implications, and risks in using social media.

This policy applies to all Commissioners, staff, and third parties working on behalf of the Commission.


Social media: refers to freely accessible, third-party hosted, interactive web-based technologies used to produce, post, and interact through text, images, video, and audio to inform, share, promote, collaborate, or network.


  1. The Commission’s Executive Director is responsible to manage the corporate social media presence and coordinate social media initiatives overall to ensure quality, active, and effective efforts. The Executive Director will also monitor and oversee all social media initiatives and activities and assign staff who will develop, implement, and support social media initiatives.
  2. The Commission, in consultation with the Executive Director, will approve any official social media presence for the organization.
  3. Any Commissioner who uses a social media account or profile set-up and identifies as a member of the Commission will adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Consistent with the Commission’s Code of Conduct policy, Commissioners must accurately reflect the decisions of the Commission and may not weigh in on the opinions or political positions of any elected official;
    2. Comments should not discriminate, harass, or demonstrate disrespect toward any person;
    3. Must maintain confidentiality and protection of privacy by not releasing any information that was presented in-camera and/or breach privacy regulations as outlined in FOIP legislation;
    4. As per EPS’ IS9PO Information Security Policy, no police information may be divulged in any way to unauthorized persons or agencies;
    5. May not use their accounts to solicit funds, donations or volunteers for any political candidate’s campaign;
    6. Commissioner accounts should have a contact disclaimer and acceptable use information.
  4. If Commissioners use their personal account(s) to comment on Commission and/or Service activities, their comments will be governed by the Code of Conduct policy and a Commissioner may not avoid this, or other applicable policy, by changing the name or identifier on their social media account.

NOTE: Commissioners engaging in communications on social network sites, whether they communicate an association with the Commission or not, could place themselves at risk and should exercise caution as to not place the Commission or the Service at reputational risk.

Commission staff will monitor the activity of all Commissioner’s social media accounts on an ongoing basis and will report inappropriate content back to the Commission.

Commissions may contact the Executive Director to get guidance and/or training prior to posting or setting up a social media account.


  1. EPC Policy 4.2.1 – Code of Conduct
  2. EPS IS9PO Information Security Policy
  3. EPS Procedure IS4-1PR – Social Media Procedure
  4. City of Edmonton Administrative Directive A1446A – Communications
  5. City of Edmonton – Social Media Guidelines
  6. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act