The Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) is accountable to the City of Edmonton Council (City Council) and to the community for the expenditure of its budget, allocated to the Commission as part of the larger budget for policing in Edmonton.

The use of public funds by the Commission for expenses occurred while discharging their duties as a Commissioner must be able to withstand public scrutiny as well as any internal or external audit.

Commissioners and Commission staff are expected to demonstrate both stewardship and accountability when incurring and approving business expenses.


FULL DAY OF TRAVEL: Is defined as a departure time from the city of Edmonton at 9:00 am, or earlier, and a return time after 5:30 pm, the day that business travel occurs. Full day of travel is relevant for claiming per diem meals.

HOSTING: Is a broad term used to refer to the expenditure of funds for providing hospitality to other agencies, employee and member recognition, business associates locally or while travelling.

MEAL PER DIEM ALLOWANCE: While in travel status, Commissioners and employees may claim the maximum Full Day of Travel meal per diem (daily) allowance of $65. This maximum includes tips/gratuities and taxes (PST/GST/HST). NOTE: Assumes that travelers are required to be at the airport two hours prior to departure.

REIMBURSEMENT RATE: The per kilometer rate at which business travel will be reimbursed. This reimbursement rate is based on a formula established by the City of Edmonton.


  1. Commission members and staff members will be reimbursed for costs related to Commission approved business. All claims must be supported by receipts.
  2. The Commission shall reimburse employees for expenses in accordance with approved City directives and procedures for City employees as stated in Part III, Section 12a) of the Edmonton Police Commission Bylaw (Bylaw 14040).
  3. A Commission member or staff member will be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses to workshops, seminars, conferences, and other business meetings outside the city of Edmonton.
  4. All accommodations and air travel should be selected on the basis of being reasonable and practical and cost, using professional judgment.
  5. Normally, travel arrangements will be made on behalf of Commission members by Commission staff; however, on occasions when Commission members make their own arrangements reimbursement will be provided in accordance with this policy.
  6. Commissioners and staff members who use their private vehicle in the performance of their duties will be reimbursed for travel within the city of Edmonton at an established rate as set by the City of Edmonton in their Administrative Procedure – Private Vehicle Reimbursement (A1413U).
  7. The per diem allowances for meals can be claimed when a receipt is not available. The total per diem amount claimed shall not exceed $65 for a full day of travel. NOTE: When meals are included in travel events (e.g. conference fees, airfare) the per diem for the meal(s)included is not reimbursed.
  8. The purchase of alcohol cannot be expensed with the exception of Commission approved hosting events such as the Citizen Awards and the Joint EPC/EPS Open House.
  9. Tipping for services while on Commission business or hosting is limited to a maximum of15%. Should a flat rate be applied automatically to a bill that is greater than 15%, then there imbursement is allowable. The per diem guideline for meals includes tipping and taxes.
  10. A Commissioner wishing to combine a business trip with personal travel may do so at their own expense and effort. The Commissioner is expected to pay for any expense not related to their business travel.
  11. Commission members will not be reimbursed for maintaining a home office or other normal everyday costs of being a member of the Edmonton Police Commission


    • The Executive Director will review and approve the expense claims of Commission members, the Chief of Police, and staff. Expense claims submitted by the Chair of the Commission will be reviewed and approved by the Vice Chair of the Commission or the Chair of the Audit & Finance Committee. Claims submitted by the Executive Director will be reviewed and approved by the Chair of the Commission.
    • The Chair of the Finance & Audit Committee will approve the Commission Chair’s expenses.
    • Applications for reimbursements for the Chief or the Executive Director, exceeding$5000, shall be submitted to the Chair for approval in advance.
    • Commission members, Chief of Police, Chief Internal Auditor, Public Complaint Director, Legal Counsel, and Executive Director expense claims will be reported quarterly as part of the Commission financial reporting. Commissioner training attendance and associated costs will also be reported.
    • The Commission as a whole shall set a hosting budget each year.
    • Hosting budgets may be used for official or semi-official functions such as presentations to a retiring Commission member or staff member.
    • Requests for reimbursement must document the purpose of the meeting and the individuals being hosted. A detailed receipt is required with each submission for reimbursement and the preferred method of payment is through a Commissioner’s credit card.
    • All air travel will be economy class. Circumstances to be considered for an upgrade include business travel time (including layovers) in excess of five hours one way, international travel, or to accommodate flight availability impact on work commitments.
    • Travel to and from the Edmonton International Airport is reimbursed at a flat rate of$20.00 each way plus parking as per City of Edmonton Administrative Procedure –Employee Business Expenses – Local and Out of Town – A14151.
    • Mileage for intra-provincial vehicle travel shall be reimbursed, at a flat rate, as per the Intra-Provincial Travel Flat Rate Mileage Allowance (Schedule 2).
    • Commissioners and staff who use their vehicle for business travel must provide proof of a valid Alberta operator’s license and must have a minimum of $1,000,000 of public liability and property damage insurance.
    • For travel within the city of Edmonton by Commissioners who do not use a personal vehicle, a bus pass will be reimbursed.
    • For travel outside the city of Edmonton, the cost of taxi or bus will be covered on the basis of receipts.
    • Commission members and staff members will be reimbursed for parking expenses while on Commission business, including reimbursement for local parking.
    • Commissioners and staff may claim an incidental allowance of $10 for each full day of travel. Incidental expenses include, but are not limited to, coin laundry, public transit, dry cleaning, meter parking.
    • Commission members are responsible for providing final accommodation receipts for expense reimbursement.
    • If a spouse or partner accompanies the Commission member or a staff member, the spouse’s or partner’s expenses will be paid by the Commission member or the staff member.
    • Barring extraordinary circumstances, the Commission will not reimburse costs incurred for “no show” at hotels or car rental agencies. It is the responsibility of the Commissioner or staff member to contact the hotel or car rental agency in the event of a change in travel arrangements.
    • Commissioners or staff choosing to stay with friends or relatives while away on business travel can be reimbursed $50 for each night. No receipt is required.


      1. City of Edmonton Bylaw 14040 – Edmonton Police Commission Bylaw
      2. City of Edmonton Administrative Directive and Procedure – Employee Business Expenses –Local & Out Of Town (A14151)
      3. City of Edmonton Administrative Directive and Procedure – Private Vehicle Reimbursement(A1413U)
      4. Edmonton Police Commission Policy 5.5.2 – Expenditure Approval and Signing Authorities
      5. Schedule 2 – Intra-Provincial Travel Flat Rate Mileage Allowance