In recognition of the contribution made to the Edmonton Police Commission by its volunteer members, the Commission offers an honorarium for attendance at meetings of the commission, standing committees, and other Commission related duties.


DULY CONSTITUTED MEETING: Means a commission meeting, committee meeting or special meeting at which there is quorum and for which minutes are recorded.


  1. Commissioners will receive an honorarium and will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses as per Policy 5.6.2 – Expenses and Travel Reimbursement.
  2. Commissioner honoraria will be reported bi-annually as part of the Commission’s financial reporting.
  3. Commission members are eligible to receive an honorarium for the following Commission-related duties:
    • Duly constituted Commission meetings
    • Appointed committee members attending duly constituted Commission committee meetings.
    • Appointed Chair of the Professional Standards Committee attending disciplinary hearings of the Professional Standards Branch to a maximum of 4 per year. NOTE: Only one honoraria payment will be made per hearing regardless of how many days may be required to conclude the hearing.
    • Attendance at related events that are approved by the Commission where either the Commissioner is attending on behalf of the Commission and/or which the Commission is sponsoring.
    • Attendance at Commission planning sessions or retreats, approved by the Edmonton Police Commission.
    • Attendance at conferences, seminars and training events which the Commissioner is attending pursuant to Commission policies, approved by the Edmonton Police Commission. NOTE: This does not include travel to and from conferences, seminars and training events.
    • Attendance at Board meetings, either in person or by electronic means, of the Canadian Association of Police Governance (CAPG), the Canadian Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (CACOLE), the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE), the Alberta Association for Police Governance (AAPG), or any similar association where the Commissioner holds office as a Board member or is representing the Commission as approved by the Edmonton Police Commission.
    • Attendance at ALERT Civilian Advisory Committee meetings.
    • Attendance at meetings of external working groups established by the Commission, City of Edmonton Council or other orders of government.
    • Participation in ride-alongs with members of the Edmonton Police Service to a maximum of 1 per year.
  4. Commissioners will receive the following honoraria:
      • Less than three hours
        • COMMISSIONER: $150
        • COMMISSION CHAIR: $200
        • COMMTTEE CHAIR: $200
      • Three hours or more
        • COMMISSIONER: $300
        • COMMISSION CHAIR: $400
        • COMMTTEE CHAIR: $400
    • NOTE: The Commission Chair rates also apply to the Vice Chair or other Commissioners acting in the absence of the Chair.
    • If the Chair of the Commission is in attendance at any Committee meeting as an ex-officio member of the Committee, they will be paid the same honoraria as a Commissioner.
    • The Chair of the Commission will also receive a regular Commissioner rate if not acting in the capacity of Chair such as, but not limited to, attendance at conferences, seminars, webinars, or other training events.
  5. Commissioners are not eligible to receive an honorarium for attendance at the following:
    • Social events;
    • Attendance at committee meetings of the CAPG and AAPG;
    • Travel to and from conference, seminars and/or training events;
    • Informal meetings.
  6. Where Commission approval is required or where the work of the Chair, Vice Chair or other Commissioners is not otherwise captured by this policy then payment of honoraria for a specific activity we be at the discretion of the Chair or Executive Director.


  1. Commissioners are responsible for ensuring their attendance is noted on the attendance sheet for all meetings and/or inform administration of attendance for events/meetings/conferences if off-site.
  2. As per the Commission’s Expenditure Approval and Signing Authorities policy, honoraria submissions for payment under $5,000 must be signed by the Executive Director or their designate.
  3. As per the Expenditure Approval and Signing Authorities policy, honoraria submissions for payment in excess of $5,000 requires signed approval by the Executive Director or their designate along with either the Chair of the Commission or the Chair of the Finance Committee.

1. EPC policy 5.6.2 – Expenses and Travel Reimbursement
2. EPC policy 5.5.2 – Expenditure Approval and Signing Authorities