The Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) recognizes that there is a significant public responsibility in providing governance and oversight over the Edmonton Police Service (Service) and acknowledge that member contribution can be greatly enhanced by the delivery of an orientation and training program.


  1. All newly appointed Commission members will take an Oath of Office and sign the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest guidelines.
  2. All new Commission members will participate in orientation sessions regarding their roles and responsibilities as soon as practicable upon appointment.
  3. Orientation sessions will be delivered by Commission staff, members of the Service, members of Alberta Justice and Solicitor General, and/or any other agency that can assist Commission members in fulfilling their responsibilities to the Commission.
  4. The Service will provide an operational orientation to new Commissioners, including a review of key aspects of its priorities, operational areas, structure, authority, and human resources.
  5. It is the responsibility of each Commission member to familiarize themselves with the contents of the Commission’s Policy and Procedure Manual and to abide by the guidelines contained therein.
  6. The Commission will assign existing Commissioner(s) to act as a mentor(s) for new Commissioners to provide ongoing support with orientation regarding the operation of the Commission and background information on the Commission and Service.
  7. Commission orientation and training is an ongoing process and will continue throughout the term of membership.


  1. New Commission members will be given an orientation binder containing the following:
    1. Alberta Police Act,
    2. Alberta Police Service Regulation,
    3. Edmonton Police Commission Bylaw
    4. Commission’s Policy and Procedure Manual,
    5. Meeting procedures and schedules,
    6. Commission office procedures,
    7. List of Mayor, Councillors and Chief’s Committee,
    8. Other resources as appropriate.
  2. New Commission members will also be given an overview of the following:
    1. Police governance and oversight in Alberta, including Commissioner roles and responsibilities,
    2. Commission’s current strategic plan,
    3. Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and how it applies to the Commission, as well as other pertinent legislation,
    4. An overview of the public complaint process,
    5. Commission’s Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest policies and guidelines,
    6. Other topics as appropriate.
  3. The Executive Director will arrange for Commission mentors to be available to attend all onboarding sessions with new Commissioners to provide support. Arrangements will also be made for one on one, or group meetings, for Commission mentors and new Edmonton Police Commission Commissioners to meet in less formal settings for information sharing and answer questions. Mentors will invite, and attend with new Commissioners, meetings and events that are appropriate and suitable to assist with the onboarding and orientation process.