The purpose of the Chair/Chief meeting is to provide an opportunity to discuss new and/or emerging issues and items that may arise outside of the Commission’s regular monthly meetings.

The primary purpose of the Chair/Chief meeting is to facilitate ongoing communication and information sharing through the Commission Chair which will be disseminated to the rest of the Commission as soon as practicable.

Composition and Operations:

  1. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission are the representatives on all Chair/Chief meetings and may, at the discretion of the Chair, invite additional commissioners to attend so long as a quorum of the Commission is not
  2. The Chair and the Chief will establish a meeting schedule at the beginning of the year and may consider additional meetings to fulfill their mandate as
  3. Topics for discussion may include, but are not limited to, information updates, new processes or policies being implemented, emergent issues, updates on ongoing projects, preparatory discussions on report development or presentations, performance management and ongoing evaluation.
  4. The Executive Director shall attend meetings as required to provide administrative support.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. The Chair will ensure that any information received at a Chair/Chief meeting that is pertinent to the Commission’s consideration of matters before it, or likely to come before it, is shared with the Commission in a timely manner so that commissioners can discharge their governance and oversight responsibilities based on the same information.


  1. Direction(s) to the Chief and/or decisions will not be made at any Chair/Chief meeting unless formal direction, in the form of a motion, has been approved by the Commission giving the Chair authority for a specific purpose.
  2. No formal minutes will be taken at a Chair/Chief meeting however the Chair will be responsible to supply a verbal or written report to the monthly Commission meeting on items discussed.
  3. Where the information shared at a Chair/Chief meeting is related to an item of urgent nature and needs to be considered before the date of the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting, the Chair will then determine if a Special Meeting should be called or if the information can be provided to the full Commission by some other means.