In order to meet legislative requirements and to enhance transparency, Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) members acting in their capacity as members of the Commission and in the performance of their official duties shall have timely access to information under the control of the Edmonton Police Service (Service).

This policy, and its subsequent guidelines, serves to summarize the governance framework the Commission agrees to follow when requesting additional information from the Service that are outside the normal reporting framework established by the Commission.


  1. All queries shall be consistent with the role and responsibilities of the Commission.
  2. All requests for information from individual commissioners shall be directed through the Commission’s Executive Director (ED) using the process outlined in Appendix K – EPC – EPS Interface Protocol.
  3. The ED is responsible in ensuring that all inquiries go through the screening process outlined in the Interface Protocol.
  4. Both the Executive Director and the Chief of Police, or the Service’s Senior Management, will provide support and advice to commissioners as needed in assessing their requests and advancing them through the Interface Protocols.
  5. Any inquiries that cannot be answered with information readily available and in a timely manner that will require additional resource time and/or research to be undertaken must come before the Commission as a whole through a formal resolution.
  6. All formal resolutions will be tracked and report on their progress will be reported back to the Commission monthly.
  7. As per the Police Act 41(3)d, Commission members are not entitled to any information concerning individual investigation and/or intelligence files.


  1. Appendix K – EPC – EPS Interface Protocol