The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) has the information necessary to perform its mandated governance and oversight role as set out in the Police Act. This mandate will be fulfilled through an open exchange of information between the Commission and the Edmonton Police Service (Service) when dealing with major policing events.


MAJOR POLICING EVENT: A planned or unplanned event that significantly taxes the Service’s ability to provide basic policing services to the citizens of Edmonton. It requires a significant number of police members to assess and manage in excess of those ordinarily on duty but does not include a Level 2 incident as defined by the Service.  It can also be a significant or notable organization or community event that has the potential of disrupting public peace, order, or security in a significant way.

Examples of a major policing event may include, but are not limited to:

  • civil disturbances;
  • union conflicts and labour unrest;
  • public demonstrations involving large or disorderly crowds;
  • political meetings or protests in a public venue;
  • event requiring the assistance of other police agencies;
  • event involving emerging local, provincial or national issues;
  • natural and human disasters; and,
  • event that requires deployment of the Disaster and Emergency Operations Planning Section (DEOPS).
  • any other incident or disaster that causes an abnormal strain on police resources.


  1. With respect to active or evolving events, the Service will provide the Commission or Commission Chair with verbal briefings setting out information and details required to perform its statutory mandate. Specifically, the Service will provide information that ensures the Commission that the Service has the necessary policies, procedures, plans, and resources in place to address the efficient and effective policing at a Major Policing Event.
  2. The Commission requires yearly reporting of major policing events that the Service has responded to and will include, but is not limited to, nature and number of events and a review of policies related to standard operating plans, emergency response plans, continuity of operations plans, contingency plans, and crowd management planning so that it can assure itself a framework is in place for adequate and effective policing across the city.
  3. These guidelines also pertain to a response to a Major Policing Event where the Service is providing policing outside the boundaries of the City of Edmonton.


  1. Police Act, RSA 2000, c P-17
  2. EPC Policy 2.2.2 – Request for Policing Assistance Outside Municipal Boundaries