The Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) is committed to effective oversight of the complaint process and will designate a Public Complaint Director (PCD) to assist with that oversight role in accordance with the Police Act.
- The Commission will promote a complaint process that is fair, equitable, and transparent for all parties.
- The Commission, with the assistance of the PCD, will monitor the complaint process and review the disposition of complaints.
- The Commission shall designate a PCD in accordance with Section 28.1 of the Police Act.
- The PCD is responsible for the administration and review of public complaints, on behalf of the Commission, and for meeting the responsibilities set out in the Police Act.
- The PCD shall ensure that the information provided by the Edmonton Police Service (Service) or any materials approved by the Provincial Public Complaint Director to explain the complaint process, are made available to the public.
- The PCD shall ensure there are clearly defined processes in place to receive and refer a public complaint to the Service for investigation. This includes consideration and offer of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) rather than a formal investigation, if appropriate and applicable.
- The PCD shall act as a liaison between the Commission, the Chief of Police, and the complainant.
- The PCD shall have access to records pertaining to complaints and citizen contacts. Records include those in hard copy and those stored on a professional complaint database (e.g. IAPro). The records shall include, but are not limited to, pertinent dates, timelines, allegations, findings, dispositions, and status of all complaints.
- The PCD shall review the investigation conducted in respect of a complaint during the course of an investigation and at the conclusion of the investigation.
- The PCD shall perform other duties assigned by the Commission in relation to police discipline matters as set out in other policies of the Commission.
- The PCD shall provide a report to the Commission at its regular monthly meetings, or as otherwise requested by the Commission.
- Police Act, RSA 2000, c P-17
- Alberta Policing Oversight Standards for Municipal Police Commission – Alberta Justice and Solicitor General – November 6, 2014