Policies of the Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) are developed and maintained to ensure consistency for the organization and provides a framework for decision making.

The supporting legislation for policy development for the Edmonton Police Commission is the Police Act which gives the Commission the authority to establish policies providing for efficient and effective policing.


Editorial Amendment: means an amendment that is essentially editorial in nature and does not change the purpose, scope, or any substantive content of any policy. An editorial amendment may clarify language, correct typos, update information or titles to reflect current organizational structure.


  1. Commission policies shall be high level or strategic in nature and support the Commission’s vision and mission statements.
  2. All new policy revisions and amendments to existing policies, including proposed revocation of a policy, must be adopted by formal resolution of the Commission.
  3. Notwithstanding guideline #2, editorial amendments such as, but not limited to, spelling or grammatical errors, changes to policy number, updates to References section, that do not change the policy intent or guidelines may be made without the need for formal resolution.
  4. Existing policies will be reviewed regularly, every three years as a minimum, to ensure alignment with applicable legislation or regulation.
  5. To ensure the integrity of Commission policies, revisions will be made as soon as possible to address changes in statutory requirements, government policies, or at the direction of the Commission.
  6. When appropriate, the Executive Director shall seek legal advice on the intent or wording of a policy.
  7. The Policy Manual will be maintained in an electronic format, available to all members of the public through the Commission’s website.
  8. The Executive Director shall develop administrative operational procedures to carry out approved policy direction. Procedural appendices to the policy manual do not require approval by the Commission through a formal resolution but will be presented to the Commission for information purposes.


  1. Police Act, RSA 2000, c P-172.
  2. EPC Authority and Accountability Policy