Under the Police Act, the Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) oversees the Edmonton Police Service (Service) and has the responsibility of establishing policing priorities and participating in consultation with the Service in the development of a strategic plan.


    1. The strategic plan will be developed in consultation with the Service and will be brought forward to the Commission for approval.
    2. The strategic plan will be reviewed and revised as required annually by the Commission.
    3. The strategic plan will go through a comprehensive review and redevelopment at a minimum every three years.
    4. The Commission, in partnership with the Service, will develop key performance indicators and measures that take the following objectives into consideration:
      a. the Service’s existing and/or previous performance and/or estimated costs;
      b. crime trend analysis, and other social, demographic and economic factors that may impact the community;
      c. community expectations derived from a public consultation process.


    1. Police Act, RSA 2000, c P-17