Meeting will be webcast
Due to COVID-19 members of the public and/or press are not allowed to attend in person.
- 3.-Agenda-July.16.2020-Public-draft
- 5.2 EPC Budget Variance for the Period Ending May 31, 2020
- 5.3 EPS Budget Variance for the Period Ending May 31, 2020
- 5.4 PSB Q2 Report to EPC July 16 2020
- 6.1 Body Worn Video Report – July 16 2020
- 6.2 Community Safety & Well-being Bureau EPC PPT. July 16th 2020
- 8.2 2020-2022 EPS Business Plan
- 8.3 Residential Review and Compliance Report (Jan-June 2020)
- 14.1.1 Call for Nominations