EPC Public Meeting Advisory – June 17, 2021



The Commission will be receiving two presentation at its June 17th public meeting from the Edmonton Police Service on the ‘Know Your Rights’ campaign and the Firearms Initiative.

The Know Your Rights campaign is an initiative to inform the community and help them understand the role of policing in Edmonton. The EPS’ Firearms Initiative outlines how both the Service and ALERT are leading a provincial effort and using technology to solve violent crime.

Other items on the agenda include:

  • Nîsohkamâkewin Council Recommendations: this verbal report will provide an update on the systemic review of issues affecting Indigenous Peoples.
  • 2020 Professional Standards Branch Annual Report: The Professional Standards Branch (PSB) of the Edmonton Police Service is responsible for investigating all complaints regarding the conduct of sworn members of the EPS and complaints regarding the policies and services provided by the EPS.

Edmonton Police Commission Public Meeting
Thursday, June 17th@ 12:00 p.m.

The agenda is posted online along with supporting documents on Wednesday, June 16th.

NOTE: Due to COVID-19, members of the media can call in using the Zoom meeting app specifically set up for your participation or the general Zoom number for the public which only allows you to view the meeting.

For scheduling purposes, there will be time set aside at the meeting for members of the media to each ask one question of the Chief of Police or the Chair of the Edmonton Police Commission. Further questions can be asked after the meeting directly to the EPS Media Branch or Edmonton Police Commission office.

If you wish to participate please use the following instructions:

  • Pre-register with the Edmonton Police Commission by the deadline of June 17th at 10:00 a.m. at 780-414-7510 or via email to: Police.Commission@edmontonpolice.ca
  • Please note that the Commission phone line and/or email may not be monitored after 10:00 a.m.
  • Once registered you will receive participant information which will include a Zoom link.
  • When registering, please provide the phone number or email address you will be participating with so you can be identified on the software platform used to conduct the meeting.
  • Join the meeting at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start time so that your name and news organization can be added to the list to be able to ask questions.
  • If you or your organization only wish to view the meeting and not ask questions there is no need to pre-register. You can view the meeting at the following Zoom link:
    Passcode: 190668

or you can call in at the following number: 1 587 328 1099
Webinar ID: 869 9184 8841
Passcode: 190668

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