Give a compliment

The Edmonton Police Commission is oversees the actions and monitors the conduct of the Edmonton Police Service (EPS), and handles public inquiries, including compliments. toward the EPS. If you’ve had a great experience with the EPS and are happy with the quality of service you’ve received, please let us know.

Submit a compliment

Submit a compliment

This form is not for submitting a complaint.

Full name(Required)
If your compliment is about a specific police officer(s), please provide any details that you have about the officer(s) in the text box below.
Compliments and expressions of appreciation are reviewed by the Edmonton Police Commission and the Edmonton Police Service. They will be sent to the police officer and included in their personnel file. Please contact the Edmonton Police Commission Public Complaint Director at 780-414-7508 with any questions about how your personal information will be used or disclosed.
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