Police Oversight
The Commission provides governance and oversight of the Edmonton Police Service. It does not have legal authority to direct police investigations or operational policing.
Oversight of Municipal Police Services
In Alberta, various bodies provide oversight of police services, including:
- Civilian police commissions
- Government of Alberta – including Law Enforcement and Oversight Branch
- Independent agencies and appeal boards, including:
Police Commissions
Police Commission are civilian groups that provide governance and formal oversight of police services through provincial legislation. They provide oversight through:
- developing annual policing plans; observing and measuring outcomes
- allocating the budget and monitoring through review of financials
- appointing the Chief of Police
- establishing policies for efficient and effective policing, and issuing instructions to the Chief of Police in respect of those policies
- independent oversight of the public complaints process
- decision making tribunal in public complaints about the Chief of Police
- review tribunal in public complaints respecting the policies and services of the police service
- conducting inquiries into any matter respecting the police service or the actions of any police officer
Government of Alberta
The Law Enforcement and Oversight Branch is responsible for:
- Provincial Policing Standards
- Policing Oversight Standards
Alberta Serious Incident Response Team
The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) is an independent agency established under the Police Act to investigate police incidents and complaints that involve serious injury or death and other serious or sensitive allegations of police misconduct.
Learn more about ASIRTLaw Enforcement Review Board
Alberta’s Law Enforcement Review Board (LERB) is an independent board established under the Police Act to hear appeals regarding complaints of officer misconduct.
Learn more about LERB