Technology Committee
Members of the Technology Committee (2024)
- Commissioner Irfan Chaudhry (Committee Chair)
- Commissioner David Sowemimo
- Commissioner Wally Sinclair
- Commissioner Jo-Anne Wright
Mandate of the Technology Committee
The Technology Committee (Committee) assists and advises the Edmonton Police Service (Service) in fulfilling governance responsibilities with respect to information technology and technology projects. The Committee also assists the Service with establishing strategic plans, principles, and policies relevant to the adoption of information technology and other technology. Among the Items to be considered by the Committee include, but are not limited to, those responding to recommendations of Internal Audit or Enterprise Risk Management.
Matters from the Committee may also be considered by the Governance or Finance and Audit Standing Committees as required as directed by the Commission.
Composition and Operations:
- The Committee shall have a minimum of three members appointed by the Commission, with one member designated as Chair. The maximum number of members appointed shall be less than the quorum of the Commission as a whole.
- The Committee shall meet on a bi-monthly basis unless there is agreement by the committee members that a meeting is not required.
- The Committee can consider scheduling additional meetings in order to fulfill their mandate and to be able to make recommendations to the Commission in a timely manner.
- The Executive Director shall attend meetings as required to act as administrative support to the Committee and is not a voting member.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- The Committee shall provide feedback and input into IT-related projects, technology architecture, and other technology initiatives with an emphasis on those that may carry significant implications and/or political considerations.
- The Committee shall evaluate these initiatives through the lens of various risk areas, including, but not limited to:
- Data quality and data governance
- Privacy and protection of personal information
- Data security and information technology system controls
- Disaster and recovery planning
- Reputational and compliance risks
- Sustainability considerations
- Ethical implications of emerging technologies
- Project and system implementation risks
- Ensure that the Commission can participate in technology adoption discussions with the Service as new technology is considered.
- The Committee will receive, at a minimum annually, the following reports from the Service:
- Planned IT-related capital projects and initiatives, including projected budget, projected expenditures, progress and key milestones.
- Annually a report on all technology capital projects and initiatives undertaken by the Service at any level of expenditure.
- A report on information technology security, including cyber security.
- A report on data and information management practices, systems, and controls.
- The Committee shall review the terms of reference for this committee at a minimum once every three years and make recommendations for changes to the Commission if required.
- The Committee shall keep records of its meetings and the Chair of the Committee shall provide reports to the Commission on the matters discussed and any recommendations for decision.