The Edmonton Police Commission is a non-political body appointed to represent the citizens of Edmonton.
While the Commission is appointed by and accountable to City Council and the Government of Alberta, we remain an unbiased body whose primary commitment is ensuring Edmonton remain a safe and vibrant city.
Edmonton is changing and that affects how our city must be policed.
By working closely with the Chief of Police and the Edmonton Police Service, we are able to create an essential balance between public accountability and police independence. The Commission also connects with the community through meetings and public forums. This allows us to respond to civilian concerns and expectations, and take the necessary steps to build a safer community for everyone.
The Guardian of Public Trust
We are the Guardian of Public Trust.
- We believe in bridging gaps and opening doors.
- We believe that your needs matter.
- We believe in understanding all sides.
- We believe an independent oversight serves a purpose in what we do.
- We believe that we do serves a greater purpose to our community.
We are the connection between the public and the EPS.
- We are a reflection of the community.
- A governance to the Police service.
- An extension of your values and interests.
- A stability for this city and for its people.
We are a diverse group of thinkers and doers.
- Where distinct viewpoints and skill sets come together.
- Where impartial decisions are made with rigor and thought.
- Where open lines of communication are key.
- Where our words and actions are always held accountable and there is no room for egos. Just solutions.
We are who you need us to be.
- We care.
- We listen.
- We seek to understand.
- Because connecting to our community means a safer place to live and a better, brighter city today—and in the future.
Our Vision
Inspiring trust and innovation in policing and community safety through effective oversight.
Our Mission
Oversight that drives:
- Oversight that drives:
- Conscious inclusivity
- Connecting with communities
- Committed partnerships
- Continual accountability
- Creating a safe city
Our Values
- Inclusivity
- Innovation
- Integrity
- Leadership
- Respect
- Stewardship
- Transparency
Roles & Responsibilities
The roles of the Edmonton Police Commission and the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) are very different. The EPS is composed of the Chief of Police, police officers and civilian staff who provide policing service in Edmonton, including crime prevention, law enforcement and public safety. The Commission acts as a board of governors, and cannot involve itself in day-to-day police operations or investigations.
The Edmonton Police Commission has four main roles:
- Oversee the Edmonton Police Service.
- Respond to the public’s concerns on policing matters.
- Help develop the annual policing plan and budget.
- Build positive relationships with community partners.
- Provide ongoing reporting to the public that shows transparency of operations.
- Establish policies for efficient and successful policing.
- Allocate funds provided by City Council.
- Issue instructions, as needed, to the Chief of Police.
- Ensure suitable persons are employed to execute the responsibilities of the Edmonton Police Service.
- Observe and measure the outcomes of the annual policing plan.
- Identify risk and implement mitigation plans.
- Manage the hiring of Chief of Police, and monitor performance.
- Oversee policing operations and the public complaint process.
- Approve and monitor the budget of the EPS by regularly reviewing the Service’s financial statements, financial reporting process and systems of internal financial controls.
- Set long-term, strategic direction for the Edmonton Police Commission.
- Collaborate with the EPS to develop clear policing objectives through an annual policing plan.
- Foster relationships with local groups and other stakeholders to create a shared understanding of community safety and identify community issues.
- Support police efforts to combat racism, discrimination and other prejudices.
- Demonstrate commitment to a diverse, inclusive Commission and Service.
- Advocate for legislation, regulations and policies at all levels of government that enable successful policing.
- Support data sets and intelligence data that enables a predictive approach to policing, plus emerging technologies that provide better delivery of policing services.
- Reinforce greater transparency and accountability in policing services, and encourage change, where necessary.
- Continually modernize the EPS through positive culture change that is backed by experts and best practices.
- Influence others through a multi-tired justice system.