The Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) is governed by the City of Edmonton Bylaw 14040, Edmonton Police Commission Bylaw, which outlines meeting procedures and rules for the Commission.
In accordance with this requirement the Commission has adopted Appendix B – Edmonton Police Commission Meeting Procedures.
- All members of the Commission have a responsibility to attend meetings, participate in discussions, and exercise their voting rights.
- Should a Commission member be unable to attend a meeting then they are expected to advise the Commission office.
- Commission members may attend and participate in meetings from a remote location via telephone, video conferencing, or other internet meeting platforms.
- The Commission’s schedule of regular meetings will be established annually at the last Commission meeting of the year and will be made available to the public.
- The Chair or a majority of Commission members may call special meetings when they consider it expedient to do so.
- The Commission may, by two-thirds vote of members present at a regular meeting, change the date, time, or location of a subsequent meeting and/or cancel any meeting and will provide notice of this change to the public two weeks prior to the meeting.
- Notwithstanding Guideline #6, the Commission Chair, or designate, or the Commission’s Executive Director may cancel a regular meeting with less notification under exigent circumstances such as, but not limited to, a local, provincial, or national emergency. Notification of cancelation will be posted to the Commission’s website and/or social media accounts as soon as is practicable.
- Quorum for a meeting of the Commission will be a majority of the existing appointed Members, and Councillors who are members shall be counted as existing appointed members for the purposes of determining quorum only if they are in attendance at that meeting.
- The Chair will preside over Commission meetings and has full voting rights and privileges as other members.
- As a general rule, the Commission will deal with matters in the order of business as shown on the agenda; however the Chair may, at their discretion, alter the order established to facilitate the business of the meeting.
- Meetings of the Commission will be open to the public however, pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulation, the Commission may hold a meeting in the absence of the public if the subject matter being considered concerns:
- the security of the property of the Commission;
- personal information of an individual, including an employee of the Commission;
- a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of property by, or for, the Commission;
- labour relations or employee negotiations;
- a law enforcement matter
- litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals affecting the Commission; or
- the consideration of a request for access for information.
- The Commission shall not exclude a member of the public from attending the public portion of a meeting except for improper conduct or safety.
- Attendance at the closed in-camera portion of the meeting is at the sole discretion of the Commission.
- The Commission will abide by its adopted policy Appendix B – Edmonton Police Commission Meeting Procedures at all Commission and Committee meetings.
- If there is a question relating to procedures of the Commission or one of its Committees which is not addressed in the Commission’s Meeting Procedures then the question will be informed by referring to the most recent version of Robert’s Rules of Order.
- The Commission may suspend any provision of the rules of meeting procedures by a two-thirds vote of members present at a regular meeting provided that the proposal does not conflict with any of the Commission’s policies or other applicable Act or regulation.
- City of Edmonton Bylaw, No 14040, Edmonton Police Commission Bylaw
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, c F-25
- Appendix B – Edmonton Police Commission Meeting Procedures
- EPC Policy 4.1.2 – Roles and Duties of Chair and Vice Chair of Commission