Regulations under the Police Act and the Police Commission Bylaw require that both a Chair and Vice Chair are elected from among the membership of the Edmonton Police Commission (“Commission”).


CHAIR: the person elected by members of the Commission annually to act as the head representative of the Commission and also means a person who has authority to preside over meetings.

VICE CHAIR: the person elected by the members of the Commission annually to act as Vice Chair and to preside over meetings and/or assume the responsibilities of the Chair in their absence.

EX-OFFICIO: the Chair holds a position as a member of all Commission appointed committees with full voting privileges.


  1. In addition to their role as a member of the Commission, the Chair is also responsible for ensuring that the Commission is operating in accordance with its policies and procedures, and for ensuring the ongoing integrity of the Commission’s processes.
  2. The Chair will work with the Executive Director to set the agendas for Commission meetings.
  3. The Chair will preside over Commission meetings and will determine the speaking order when two or more members wish to speak.
  4. In the absence of the Chair at a Commission meeting, the Vice Chair will preside over the meeting. In the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair, any member of the Commission chosen by those members present, other than a member of Council or municipal employee, shall preside over the Commission meeting.
  5. While presiding over a meeting of the Commission the Vice Chair, or alternate, may exercise all the same rights, powers, and authority of the Chair, including the responsibility to speak on behalf of the Commission.
  6. The Chair will endeavour to build consensus and build teamwork within the Commission, encourage an atmosphere of openness and trust, and maintain a cohesive group without losing diversity of opinion and independent points of view.
  7. The Chair is an ex-officio member of all committees where the Chair is not appointed as a full member.
  8. The Chair shall maintain a liaison and communication with all Commission members and committee Chairs.
  9. The Chair is the liaison to Commission administration through the Executive Director.
  10. The Chair is the official spokesperson of the Commission and is the only person authorized to speak to the media on behalf of the Commission.
  11. The Chair may designate the Vice Chair, Committee Chairs, or other members of the Commission, to speak to the media on certain matters.
  12. The Chair shall evaluate each Commissioner and submit recommendations to Council on the re-appointment of all Commissioners, other than the Chair.
  13. The Chair ensures that the Commission is appropriately represented at official functions and meetings.
  14. The Chair has the authority to delegate any or all of their responsibilities in their absence or when their schedule does not permit participation in scheduled events or meetings. This delegation shall first be applied to the Vice Chair and in their absence, the authority will be applied to another member of the Commission.
  15. Should the Chair become unavailable and is unable to delegate their authority, then the Vice Chair will automatically assume this position until such time as the Chair returns and is able to resume their responsibilities.
  16. The Vice Chair will work closely with the Chair and the Executive Director and assists in facilitating communications among the Commission, the Chair, and the Chief.
  17. The Vice Chair will meet with Commission members as needed to provide general guidance and advice.


  1. Police Act, RSA 2000, c P-17
  2. City of Edmonton Bylaw, No 14040, Edmonton Police Commission Bylaw
  3. Appendix B – Edmonton Police Commission Meeting Procedures
  4. EPC Policy 4.3.2 – Evaluation and Re-Appointment of Commission Members
  5. EPC Policy 5.3.3 Communications and Media Relations