Pursuant to its responsibilities under the Police Act, the Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) will employ an Executive Director. The duty of the Executive Director will be to ensure that the Commission is able to fulfill its obligations under the Police Act.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a broad description of the roles and responsibilities of the Commission’s Executive Director and staff reporting structure.


  1. The Commission appoints an Executive Director, who reports directly to the Chair and members of the Commission.
  2. The Executive Director is responsible to:
    • Provide administrative support and advice on matters of governance, policy, and procedures to the Commission;
    • Develop administrative procedures to fulfill Commission obligations created by Federal and Provincial legislation;
    • Manage and organize the flow of information and documentation;
    • Ensure the preparation and circulation of meeting agendas and materials;
    • Ensure that an accurate record is kept of all Commission proceedings, correspondence, and records;
    • Act as the Commission’s Coordinator for the purposes of the Alberta Freedom and Protection of Privacy Act;
    • Conduct research analysis and writes reports for, and on behalf of, the Commission
    • Prepare and monitor the Commission’s budget;
    • Hires the staff necessary to run the operations of the Commission office; and,
    • Oversee the management of the Commission office and staff.
  3. The Commission appoints a Public Complaint Director and legal counsel who reports to the Executive Director on day-to-day matters.
  4. The Public Complaint Director and legal counsel reports directly to the Commission on public complaint and legal matters.
  5. The role of the Public Complaint Director is as set out in the Police Act, and as described in EPC Policy 1.2.1 – Public Complaint Director.
  6. The Commission may issue instruction to the Public Complaint Director and legal counsel that is consistent with their duties.


  1. Alberta Freedom and Protection of Privacy Act.
  2. Police Act, RSA 2000, c P-17
  3. EPC Policy 1.2.1 – Public Complaint Director