As the Edmonton Police Service (Service) has instituted an internal whistleblower hotline for employees, this policy sets out specific guidelines, responsibilities, and processes regarding the anonymous disclosure of potential wrongdoing of the Chief of Police (Chief) of the Service.
The Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) is committed to creating a culture of communication, trust, and transparency and will assess all allegations of improper conduct by the Chief and whether they should move forward under the provisions of the Police Act (Act).
Serious Wrongdoing: includes, but is not limited to, contravention of the Police Act and its regulations which govern the performance of duty of police officers, committing an offense under a law of Canada, breach of Commission or Service policy and/or gross mismanagement including an act or omission that is deliberate.
Whistleblower Complaints: an employee’s report of serious wrongdoing(s) made through the Service’s Whistleblower Program.
- Only whistleblower complaints submitted by Edmonton Police Service employees will be accepted. Any complaints from the general public against the Chief must go through the public complaints process as outlined in EPC policy 1.2.5 – Complaints Against the Chief.
- The identity of a Whistleblower Complainant will be protected where possible, however, confidentiality must be balanced against disclosure requirements imposed by law or legislation.
- Reporters of serious wrongdoing are encouraged to use alternate reporting channels whenever possible using the Commission’s policy on Complaints Against the Chief and its associated procedures.
- All whistleblower complaints against the Chief will be handled through the Public Complaint Director’s (PCD) office. Both the PCD and Executive Director of the Commission will have access to the whistleblower portal managed by a third-party vendor.
- The Commission will make a preliminary assessment of all whistleblower complaints to determine whether the matter should be dismissed as being frivolous, vexatious, or made in bad faith, or not having been made within the one-year time limit set out in section 43(11) of the Police Act.
- If the complaint is not dismissed as outlined in Guideline #5 then the procedures set out in policy 1.2.5 – Complaints Against the Chief will be followed. The Whistleblower Complainant will be contacted and asked if they would be willing to become a complainant pursuant to the Police Act, which requires them to provide their full name and contact information. If the Whistleblower Complainant affirms, and provides their full name and contact information, the Commission will go on to determine whether to request the Minister to request an investigation into the complaint by another police service pursuant to section 46(2) of the Police Act.
- If the Commission requests an investigation into the complaint pursuant to section 46(2) of the Police Act, the Chief shall be advised of the Whistleblower Complainant’s name and provided with a copy of all statements made by the Whistleblower Complainant, as per section 10(1) of the Police Service Regulation.
- If the Whistleblower Complainant refuses to provide their name and contact information further to Guideline #6, then the Commission will accept the complaint for information only and will decide how and if it wishes to proceed with the complaint.
- The PCD will keep a record of all whistleblower complaints against the Chief and report to the Commission at its regular monthly meetings, or as otherwise requested by the Commission.
- Police Act, RSA 2000, c P-17
- EPS Whistleblower Policy
- EPC Policy 1.2.5 – Complaints Against the Chief