The Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) believes in upholding the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and human rights.

The Commission is also committed to the fair and equitable delivery of policing services which respect an individual’s rights and freedoms and to receive these services without discrimination or harassment.

The Commission believes in the principles of restorative justice as well as participation in diversion programs and supports these to their fullest extent.


Bias – means a judgement or belief that can impact a person’s behavior.

Discrimination – An adverse impact based on a protected ground according to the Alberta Human Rights Act. Discrimination may be intentional or unintentional. It may involve negative differential treatment, or it may involve rules, practices, or procedures that appear neutral, but disadvantage certain groups of people. Discrimination may be present even if it is only one of many factors affecting a decision or action.

Diversity – means the range of human difference, experience, and perspective. Diversity includes the protected grounds listed in the Alberta Human Rights Act, and includes, but is not limited to, differences in personality, thoughts, life experiences, learning styles, working styles, and viewpoints.

Equity – acknowledging that people have diverse needs to achieve a common outcome. Equity involves examining and recognizing the root causes of inequity and removing systemic barriers to ensure each person can access the opportunities, network, resources, and supports they need. Equity is distinct from equality, which involves treating each person the same regardless of diverse needs.

Inclusion – is valuing and embracing diversity to ensure the active participation and contribution of all individuals and groups. Inclusive environments welcome and embrace differences, while viewing them as strengths in creating an innovative and forward-thinking organization and community.

Restorative Justice – The roots of restorative justice can be found in Aboriginal healing traditions and the non-retaliatory responses to violence. It views conflict as an opportunity for a community to learn and grow. It operates on the premise that conflict inflicts harm and, therefore, individuals must accept responsibility for repairing that harm. Victims, offenders, and communities actively participate in devising mutually beneficial solutions.

Systemic discrimination – refers to a system in which one group of people exercises power over another on the basis of skin colour; an implicit set of beliefs, erroneous assumptions, and actions based on an ideology of the inherent superiority of one racial group over another, and evident in organizational or institutionalized structures and programs as well as in individual thought or behavior patterns. Systemic racism is rarely overt but is embedded as “normal practice” through policies and practices entrenched in established institutions resulting in the exclusion or promotion of designated groups.


  1. The Commission expects that the Chief of Police (Chief) will implement and/or maintain policies and procedures that address the following:
    1. Potential biased practices and/or systemic racism, both in how employees of the Edmonton Police Service (Service) interact with the public as well as in how employees interact with others.
    2. Professional development and training opportunities that address issues of diversity and cultural competencies and encourage all staff at the Service to access applicable resources.
    3. Ensures the Service works continuously to build sustainable relationships with members of racialized communities.
    4. Preventing workplace discrimination and harassment and provide for a respectful, inclusive, and positive work environment.
    5. Ensures that the Service is reflective of a diverse community and expects that the Chief will implement recruitment, selection, hiring and promotional practices that facilitate access to employment and promotion opportunities to members of diverse groups at all levels of the Service.


  1. The Chief will submit to the Commission on an annual basis a report that includes performance measures with respect to the relevant procedures and practices used to assess the effectiveness and impact of this policy.


  1. Alberta Human Rights Act