Under the Police Act, the Edmonton City Council (Council) is responsible for establishing the total budget for the purposes of policing, and the Edmonton Police Commission (Commission) is responsible for allocating the funds provided for under the budget.


  1. The Commission will ensure that Council has access to any information Council deems necessary to assess the efficiency and financial requirements of the Edmonton Police Service (Service).
  2. The Commission, in consultation with the Chief, will develop the operating and capital budgets that will be presented to Council.
  3. The Service will submit financial reports to the Commission which assist in fulfilling its financial oversight responsibilities.
  4. The Commission shall establish a Finance and Audit Committee (Committee) which will assist the Commission in fulfilling its obligations and oversight responsibilities. The Committee will review financial reporting and policies, oversee the annual operating budget, and oversee the risk management and audit function for the Commission. The Committee will also review relevant legislative and regulatory changes affecting financial resources and any other significant issues which may impact Commission and Service budgets. The Committee will make recommendations to the Commission for approval when required.


  1. Police Act, RSA 2000, c P-17
  2. EPC Policy 5.2.3 – Finance & Audit Committee Terms of Reference